New Learning Projects uploaded30 March 2020 (by admin) |
Weekly Learning Project uploaded. All you need this week to help your child at home!
We have just uploaded to the 'Home learning' section of the website, a weekly project. This week's project is based on the theme 'Family' and has many activity ideas for you to complete throughout the week including Maths, Reading, Writing, Spelling/phonics and art and craft activities.
Hopefully this will make it easier for you to structure your home learning.
There is one project for Years 1 and 2 and one for Nursery and Reception.
Future projects will be uploaded each Friday.
We have also uploaded the activities we are completing in school with children of key workers.
We do not expect you to complete ALL of the activities they are there as a guide and to give ideas if you want/need them.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to email
Take care.