Holtsmere End Infant and Nursery School

Governor Statutory Information

Jane Bisseker

Co-opted by Governing Body

Term of office began January 2014

Combined Committee                                         

Position of responsibilities                      - Chair of the Governing Body


                                                                -Looked after children

                                                                -Special Educational Needs

                                                                -Headteacher performance review

                                                                -Appraisal review panel


                                                                -Safer Recruitment



Relevant Business interests                   -None



David Brocklebank 

Co-opted by Governing Body

Term of office began March 2021

Combined Committee                                        

Position of responsibilities                      - Vice Chair

                                                                -Schools Financial Audit

                                                                -School council

                                                                -Health and Safety

                                                                -Building review


                                                                -Headteacher Performance review


                                                                -Safer Recruitment

                                                                           - Pupil Premium

                                                                 - Sports Premium 

Relevant Business interests               -None


Nicola O’Connell

Staff Governor appointed by staff

Term of office began July 2016

Combined Committee                                   

Position of responsibilities                  -Headteacher

Relevant Business interests               -None


 Safina Razzaque

Staff Governor appointed by staff

Term of office began September 2014

Combined Committee                                     

Position of responsibilities                  -School Data

Relevant Business of interests           -None


 Parent Governors

Lisa Hockley

Georgie Gladdy

Mili Nangla 




Associate Members

Sally Masterson

Associate Member co-opted by Governing Body

Term of office began September 2014

Combined Committee     

Position of responsibilities                 -Pupil Voice

Revelant Business interests               -None





 September 2024