Holtsmere End Infant and Nursery School

 Beech Class - Mrs Haris 

Pine Class - Miss Mellersh

Beech Class Photo September 2024

Pine Class Photo September 2024

Autumn Term 2024

Autumn Term 1, Week 7 - W/c 14.10.24

It has been a busy week in Year 2. We (mostly!) finished making our buses and adding the axles and wheels.

In maths, we ordered and compares lengths using the language of ‘centimetres’. In science, we explored the plants in different habitats and were able to explain why they were suited to those habitats.

In Geography, we learnt about the seas of the UK and labelled them on a map of the UK. We drew key landmarks and symbols of the countries and labelled their capital cities.


Autumn Term 1, Week 6 - W/c 07.10.24

This week, we began making our buses in DT. We carefully used a saw to cut dowel to the length we needed to make our axles. We attached the wheels and tested them.

In maths, we looked at ordering different representations of number. We discovered that putting all the numbers into one form (base 10, numerals etc.) made it easier to see and compare.


Autumn Term 2, Week 5 - W/c 30.09.24

This week in English, we planned a ghost/angel profile and wrote instructions on how to make friends with one. The children used brilliant imperative verbs and conjunctions to extend their sentences.

In DT, we painted our ‘buses’ ready to add the axles and wheels on over the next few weeks. Thank you for sending in the empty cereal boxes!

In Science, we observed what had happened to our bean seeds after 2 weeks. We were pleasantly surprised! This week, we planted cress seeds and put half on the windowsill and half in the dark cupboard to observe what will happen to them.


Autumn Term 1, Week 4 - W/c 23.09.24

We have had a brilliant week of learning in Year 2. The children have been magnificent mathematicians while working with money and making different representations of the same number.

In science, we ordered the life cycle of a bean and recorded our 2-3 day and 1 week observations of the bean seeds we planted. Great news- they have germinated and are starting to grow their roots and stems!


Autumn Term 1, Week 3 - W/c 16.09.24

A fantastic week in Year 2 saw magnificent mathematicians and super scientists. We compared numbers using the inequality symbols (< ,> & =) and practise regrouping numbers.

In science last week, we put three healthy roses in water, cola or washing up liquid to observe which would stay healthy the longest. See our photo for the update this week! In science this week, we learned about the life cycle of a bean seed and then planted our very own to observe over the next few weeks.

In Geography, we learned about Scotland and got to try some scrumptious Scottish shortbread!


Autumn Term 1, Week 2 - W/c 09.09.24

The children have had a very productive first 2 weeks of settling into school and Year 2 routines. This week, we have explored place value in Maths, discussed what a full sentence should contain and have started our learning on ‘Our United Kingdom’. We have explored landmarks in England and in Art, have began cutting and shaping materials to create a landmark collage.


Autumn Term 1, Week 1 - W/c 02.09.24

It has been great to welcome the children to Beech and Pine classes this week. They have settled in well and we are looking forward to the year ahead!

Reception                          Nursery                          Year  1