Holtsmere End Infant and Nursery School

Associate Members


Welcome to the Governing Body of Holtsmere End Infants and Nursery School


We are most grateful for your support and expertise in helping the Governing Body of the School to carry out its duties and responsibilities.  Our Governors are appointed by Hertfordshire County Council and are registered with them. Associate Members are invited by the School’s Governors to assist with particular roles, and are also registered with Hertfordshire County Council.  Associate members are required to undergo pre-employment checks to ensure the safety of children.

We hope the following guidelines will help you to support the Governing body, and also give you an idea of your own responsibilities towards Holtsmere End Infants and Nursery School as an Associate Member of the Governing body. You may attend meetings of the Main Governing Body but do not have voting rights.

By arrangement with Chairs you may receive paperwork for any meeting of Main Governing Body or of any Committee which you attend.
When matters concerning a member of the school or an individual child are discussed you may be asked to withdraw.
You are asked to observe confidentiality about discussion within any meeting of Governors.
You are invited to attend any training session arranged for the Governing body.
In all matters concerning Holtsmere End Infants and Nursery School you are asked to conduct yourself in a manner that will not bring disrepute on the School.

For further information please contact

Rod Woodhouse  – Clerk to the Governing Body

Jane Bisseker – Chair of Governors via email on chair@holtsmereinfants.herts.sch.uk

Guidelines are based on information printed in The Governors Handbook – January 2014

www.gov.uk./government/publications. Reference: DFE-00005-2014

The governing body can appoint associate members to serve on one or more governing body committees. Associate members can attend full governing body meetings but may be excluded from any part of the meeting where the business being considered concerns a member of the school, or an individual pupil.   They are appointed for a term of one to four years and can be reappointed at the end of their term of office. Associate members are not governors and are not recorded in the instrument of government. (p.22)