Holtsmere End Infant and Nursery School



Nursery Class
 Mrs G Gladdy


W/c 30.09.24, Autumn term 1

In Willow class this week we have been continuing to use the words: tall, short, taller, shorter, and the same to describe height. We have been practicing to count accurately by placing one object down as we count and we have continued to recite numbers to 5.

We have been looking at patterns: copying patterns in our writing tray, making patterns in loose parts; and looking at the patterns and marks left when we press items into the playdough.

We have also been practicing how to use the glue sticks properly (lid off, twist, spread, lid on, put away).

Outside, we have been enjoyed conker rolling, playing in the new role play area which is now a tea room, and we have been paying with magnets.

W/c 27.09.24, Autumn term 1

What a wet week it has been! The children have really enjoyed exploring the garden. We have been practicing putting on our coats and wellies independently and have enjoyed splashing in puddles and squelching in the mud!

 This week our main focus has been on our families. We have looked at our family pictures and talked about them in small groups. We have all enjoyed watching our family wall grow with pictures. 

We have been practicing the skill of scooping, filling and emptying. We have been scooping up the water and filling pots using funnels; we have been using spoons to scoop rice and fill bottles; and we have been scooping up sand and treasure and using the sieves to collect treasure from the sand.

W/c 20.09.24, Autumn term 1

The children have settled exceptionally well and have had a great first full week in nursery. Our main focus has been on familiarising ourselves with the indoor and outdoor environments, getting to know the children's key workers and understanding the rules to help keep us safe. We have also been using mirrors to identify features of our face (hair and eye colour, length of hair etc.) and draw self-portraits. In maths, we have been reciting numbers to 5.


Nursery Rhymes

Nursery rhymes are important for young children because they help develop an ear for language. Both rhyme and rhythm help children hear the sounds and syllables in words, which helps children learn to read! The teachers have chosen some nursery rhymes for you to share with your child. There are links to the rhymes on You tube if you are unfamiliar with them. Enjoy!

Hey diddle diddle


Baa baa black sheep


Twinkle Twinkle Little Star


Humpty Dumpty


Hickory dickory dock


Sing a song of sixpence


Oranges and Lemons


The grand old Duke of York


Tommy thumb


5 Little Speckled Frogs


10 Little Men in a Flying Saucer


Wind the Bobbin up


1,2,3,4,5 once I caught a fish alive


Incy wincey spider


Jack and Jill






Reception                          Year 1                          Year  2