Holtsmere End Infant and Nursery School



Nursery Class
 Miss 'Anna' Humphries


Autumn 1 2023

Week commencing 11th September 

Week commencing 18th September

Week commencing 25th September

Week commencing 2nd October

Week commencing 9th October

Week commencing 16th October

Autumn 2 2023

Week commencing 30th October

Week commencing 6th November 2023 

Time Travelling Ted visited Nursery this week. He told us about soldiers from a long time ago who were brave so that we can be safe and happy today. We have been looking at the poppy as a way to remember and thank them. We have also discussed special events in our own lives that we like to remember and we have shared these with our friends.

Week commencing 13th November 2023

Jigsaw Jenie visited Nursery on Monday to tell us it was going to be her birthday on Thursday. The children decided to throw her a party. We made a list of everything we would need and slowly made our way through it. We made decorations, cupcakes and a card. The party was a huge success and the children were proud of their hard work.

Week commencing 20th November 2023

This week we have been learning about how we have changed since we were babies. We have looked at pictures of ourselves as babies and talked to our friends about how we are now different, we met Mrs Hammett’s baby and had the opportunity to ask her lots of questions, we read ‘Baby Animals’ and discussed how they change too and we have been playing with babies during child initiated learning.

Week commencing 27th November 2023

To continue our topic of celebrations, this week Nursery have been learning all about weddings. We have talked about why people get married, who goes to a wedding, what happens there and we have watched videos of different religious weddings. We decided to have our own wedding in Nursery which we prepared for by making biscuits and bouquets. 

Week commencing 4th December 2023

We have been learning all about the Jewish celebration Hanukkah.  We learned about the miracle of how a little bit of oil lasted 8 days and 8 nights. On Friday we had a Hanukkah party. We listened to blessings, music, lit the menorah, ate doughnuts and read the story ‘Eight Nights, Eight Lights’. 

Week commencing 11th December 2023

This week we have been getting ready for Christmas. We talked about why some Christians celebrate Christmas and we read the Nativity story. On Friday we performed our Christmas songs to our families, enjoyed doing Christmassy activities for Deco Morning, had a lovely Christmas lunch in the hall and watched a very noisy panto in the afternoon. It was a very busy but exciting day!

Spring Term 2024

Week commencing 8th January 2024

This term our topic is ‘On the Move!’. Our class toy, Cheeky Monkey, visited London on the train. We looked at her photos and talked about where we could go on a train. We talked about how trains work and who works on the trains. We have enjoyed reading lots of train stories, role playing trains and drawing train tracks. We were also so impressed with how well the children settled back into Nursery after the long break.

Week commencing 15th January 2024

Seasonal change week. This week we have focused on Winter. We went on a winter walk to see what changes we could see in the environment. We noticed there were no leaves on the trees, the pond was frozen and there weren’t many plants. We have had fun finding ice every morning in our garden and bringing it inside to play with. 

Week commencing 22nd January 2024

Cheeky Monkey told us she wanted to go to Ireland this week, after looking at the map and discovering she would have to go over the sea, we decided a boat would be the best way to get there. Miss Anna’s uncle is the captain of a boat in Cornwall so we came up with questions to ask him to help cheeky know what to expect. Captain Chris sent us a video back which was very exciting!

Week commencing 29th January 2024

Cheeky Monkey and Geography Georgie flew to China this week. They have been teaching us all about Chinese New Year. We have learned about how people celebrate the festival and the traditions they follow. We have also learned about the story of ‘The Great Race’ with a particular focus on the dragon because this coming year is the year of the dragon. Cheeky Monkey and Geography Georgie flew to China so we have also talk about planes and why that was the best mode of transport for their trip.

Week commencing 5th February 2024

This week Cheeky Monkey wanted to go to space. As a class we read ‘Whatever Next’ but we discovered you can’t really go to space in a cardboard box. We did some research and found out you can only go to space in a rocket. We learned about rockets and set one up in our classroom. Cheeky sent us photos from space and we enjoyed learning that there is no gravity in space and everything floats. 

Week commencing 12th February 2024

On Monday we saw a photo of a UFO flying above our playground. When we went outside we discovered it had crashed! We found an alien, a book (Aliens in Underpants Save the World) and the broken UFO. We received a video from Astronaut Amy asking us to take care of her friend, she also invited us on a trip to space on Friday. During the week we have been learning all about astronauts and how space is different from Earth. Amy arrived on Thursday to give us astronaut training to help us cope with the zero gravity in space!

Week commencing 26th February 2024

Emily the Explorer visited us on Monday. She told us that she is an animal expert and over the next few weeks she will be teaching us about animals from all over the world. This week we were learning about African animals and life in Africa. We learned about safari animals and what some people in Africa like to eat and what music they like to listen to as well as what the weather can be like in some parts of Africa.

Week commencing 4th March 2024

Emily the Explorer returned and taught us all about the Arctic. We found out that it is very cold there so the animals need thick fur or blubber to keep them warm. We loved talking about how the animals were different to African animals. We also discussed the Inuit community and some of their traditions.

On Thursday we celebrated World Book Day by dressing up as cowboys and attending a wild west drama workshop.

Week commencing 11th March 2024

Emily the Explorer visited on Monday with Time Travelling Ted and an Egg. She said they had gone back in time to a long long long time ago and brought the egg back. We guessed what was inside but discovered it was a dinosaur when we saw a video of a triceratops in our garden on Tuesday. On Wednesday we discovered what dinosaurs ate by looking through their poo. On Thursday we discussed the word ‘extinct’ and learned a few ways the dinosaurs may have died. We did a volcano and asteroid experiment to understand this.

Week commencing 18th March 2024

This week Geography Georgie had been spotted around Hemel Hempstead. The children discussed where they have been in Hemel and what you can see here. Emily the Explorer sent us a letter to say she had been busy helping out at farm learning about British farm animals. We have been learning about these animals and what the animals and farms provide for us. We had a great time on Wednesday playing with our families during our stay and play session.

Week commencing 15th April 2024

We have started our topic ‘People Who Inspire Us’. Our focus this week has been on doctors and dentists. We have learned about what to do when we are hurt and who to call in an emergency. We role played being a patient and a doctor in child initiated learning time in our doctors surgery. We also learned about visiting the dentist and how to take care of our teeth.

Week commencing 22nd April 2024

This week we explored ‘Spring’ for our third seasonal change week. On Monday we had caterpillars arrive in Willow class. We read ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ and explored the life cycle of a butterfly. We are excited to watch them change. On Thursday we spent most the day exploring Spring outside. We looked for bugs, flowers, animals and looked in the pond.

Week commencing 29th April 2024

This week Geography Georgie arrived with a letter and a book from Greta Thunberg. We read ‘Somebody Swallowed Stanley’ and discovered rubbish is getting into our oceans. We have spent the week learning about how Greta is an inspiration and what we can do to keep our planet clean and tidy.

Week commencing 13th May 2024

This week we learned about fire fighters and how they are inspirational. We learned about fire engines, fire fighter uniforms, how fires are put out and what number to call in an emergency. On Friday we pretended to be fire fighters and put out a pretend fire in our garden. It was also exciting to see two of our butterflies hatched from their cocoons. We released one in our garden and let the other stretch its wings for a little while longer. 

Week commencing 20th May 2024

Week commencing 3rd June 2024

On Monday we had a visit from Pirate Pam. She is a good Pirate who looks after the ocean. Pam said there had been a commotion in the ocean and she needed our help to find out who was causing it. We read a book called ‘Commotion in the Ocean’ and found out it was all the sea creatures that had been keeping her awake. This week we started to learn about the animals in the ocean which we will continue doing for the next few weeks.

Week commencing 10th June 2024

Pirate Pam gave us an ocean animal fact book on Monday. We decided to read it and use what we had learned to make our own non-fiction book. After a few days of working on it we gave it to Pirate Pam and told her about the sea creatures we had learned about. During the week we have painted sea creatures, made jellyfish and gone on a sea creature hunt in the garden.

Week commencing 17th June 2024

On Monday we had ‘Around the World Day’. The children arrived and went through security before boarding the plane. We had a safety announcement from the pilot then took off and headed for Poland. Once we arrived we tasted Polish food and created Polish art.

On Tuesday we arrived to find a video of Pirate Pete the bad Pirate stealing our spare pants. The children were very excited to find him and made lots of wanted posters. We read the story ‘Pirates Love Underpants’ then Pirate Pam came to see us with a treasure map of our garden. We followed it and found the pants!

Week commencing 24th June 2024

Pirate Pam sent us a post card from her holiday. She has spent the week on the beach. The children talked about holidays they have been on or holidays they would like to go on. Over the week we learned about beaches like what you can see or do there. We enjoyed looking at the non-fiction book ‘Look What I Found at the Seaside’. We also read ‘What the Ladybird Heard at the Seaside’ then turned pictures of ourselves into mermaids. On Friday we all had an ice cream and made our own to go in our ice cream role play area.

Week commencing 8th July 2024

This week we have been learning about the artist L.S. Lowry for art week. We started the week by viewing his paintings at an art exhibition in Cherry room. We then decided to make our own version of his paintings collectively as a class. We each drew a picture of ourselves and added it to a photo of our outside area.

Last week the children showed a real interest in bees so we spent our afternoons learning interesting facts about them, drawing them and we even got to taste honey!


Nursery Rhymes

Nursery rhymes are important for young children because they help develop an ear for language. Both rhyme and rhythm help children hear the sounds and syllables in words, which helps children learn to read! The teachers have chosen some nursery rhymes for you to share with your child. There are links to the rhymes on You tube if you are unfamiliar with them. Enjoy!

Hey diddle diddle


Baa baa black sheep


Twinkle Twinkle Little Star


Humpty Dumpty


Hickory dickory dock


Sing a song of sixpence


Oranges and Lemons


The grand old Duke of York


Tommy thumb


5 Little Speckled Frogs


10 Little Men in a Flying Saucer


Wind the Bobbin up


1,2,3,4,5 once I caught a fish alive


Incy wincey spider


Jack and Jill






Reception                          Year 1                          Year  2