Holtsmere End Infant and Nursery School

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  3. Pupil Premium - Free School Meals vouchers

Pupil Premium - Free School Meals vouchers

3 April 2020 (by admin)

Parents who are in  receipt of the Free school meals vouchers

Hopefully by now you will have received your email voucher. Paper copies were posted First class today (Thank you Mrs Mitchell!)

You will receive your next voucher on Thursday 23rd April,  as the Government scheme does not cover the Easter holiday period. 

Please remember that during the next two weeks we can provide packed lunches for Pupil Premium children. If you would like one they can be collected from the Reception area after 11.45 each day. Please call the office in the morning, by 9am, if you require one. There is a choice of Cheese or Tuna. 

Take care and stay safe.

Mrs O'Connell